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Area Network: Network Internazionale

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OCRI Company Crisis and Tourn Arround research Centre

The main aim of the research division is to contribute generating knowledge on crisis and corporate restructuring and, more generally, on turnaround processes and the evolution of companies. It focuses on the Italian context, while fostering international comparison.
La Prof.ssa Patrizia Riva è “Member of the Board of External Referees” dal 2013.

EAA European Account Association

The European Accounting Association (EAA) aims to link together the Europe-wide community of accounting scholars and researchers, to provide a platform for the wider dissemination of European accounting research, and to foster and improve research in order to ensure the development and the promotion of accounting as well as the improvement of the teaching skills.
La Prof.ssa Patrizia Riva è associata dal 2008.

B & ESI – Business & Economics Society International

As the world strides into the information age, the Business & Economics Society International aspires to:
– Serve as a medium of open discussion for everyone interested in Business and Economics problems;
– Facilitate communication between Practitioners and Business/Economics Academicians as they pursue excellence in practice, teaching and research;
– Promote the disciplines of Business and Economics as fields of study.
La Prof.ssa Patrizia Riva è associate dal 2013.

EURAM – European Accademy of Management

The European Academy of Management is a learned society founded in 2001. It aims at advancing the academic discipline of management in Europe. With members from 49 countries in Europe and beyond, EURAM has a high degree of diversity and provides its members with opportunities to enrich debates over a variety of research management themes and traditions.
La Prof.ssa Patrizia Riva è associata nonché “Reviewer” dal 2013.

INSOL Europe – European Insolvency and Restructuring Association

The mission of the association is to take and maintain a leading role in European business recovery, turnaround and insolvency issues, to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas amongst its members and to discuss business recovery, turnaround and insolvency issues with official European and other international bodies who are affected by those procedures. The association will encourage greater international co-operation and communication within Europe and also with the rest of the world.
La Prof.ssa Patrizia Riva è associata dal 2011.

EGCI – European Corporate Governance Institute.

The ECGI is an international scientific non-profit association. We provide a forum for debate and dialogue between academics, legislators and practitioners, focusing on major corporate governance issues and thereby promoting best practice.
La Prof.ssa Patrizia Riva è associata dal 2006.